Genki Exercises - 3rd Edition
Welcome to Genki Study Resources! The exercises provided here are for use with Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese textbooks (Third Edition) and are meant to help you practice what you have learned in each lesson. Select a lesson from the quick navigation and then the exercise that you want to practice for that lesson to begin testing your knowledge. Happy studying!
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Lesson 0: Writing System, Greetings, and Numbers (Genki I: p.20-35)
Read Hiragana and Katakana
Greet people
Read numbers and count
Japanese Writing System (Genki I: p.20-27)
- Hiragana (p.20-21)
- Hiragana: Diacritical Marks (p.21)
- Hiragana: Combos (p.21-22)
- Katakana (p.24)
- Katakana: Diacritical Marks (p.25)
- Katakana: Combos (p.25)
- Katakana: Additional Combos (p.26)
- Bonus: Match Hiragana and Katakana (p.20-21 & 24)
Greetings (Genki I: p.30-34)
- Greetings 1 (p.32)
- Greetings 2 (p.32)
- Culture Note: Greetings and Bowing (p.32)
- Practice: Greetings (p.34)
Numbers (Genki I: p.35)
- Vocabulary: Numbers 0-14 (p.35)
- Vocabulary: Numbers 15-100 (p.35)
- Practice: Reading Numbers 1 (p.35; A)
- Practice: Reading Numbers 2 (p.35; B)
- Practice: Reading Numbers 3 (p.35; C)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.13-15)
- Workbook: Greetings (p.13-14)
- Workbook: Numbers (p.15)
Lesson 1: New Friends (Genki I: p.36-55)
Introduce ourselves
Ask and tell people names, majors at school, time, etc.
- Vocabulary: School (p.38)
- Vocabulary: People and Time (p.38)
- Vocabulary: Others and Expressions (p.38-39)
- Vocabulary: Countries (p.39)
- Vocabulary: Majors (p.39)
- Vocabulary: Occupations (p.39-40)
- Vocabulary: Family (p.40)
- Culture Note: Japanese Names (p.45)
- Practice: XはYです 1 (Nationality) (p.46; I-A)
- Practice Vocabulary: Year in School (p.46)
- Practice: XはYです 2 (Year in School) (p.46; I-B)
- Practice Vocabulary: Age (p.47)
- Practice: XはYです 3 (Age) (p.47; I-C)
- Practice: Question Sentences 1 (p.47-48; II-A)
- Practice: Question Sentences 2 (p.48; II-B)
- Practice: Question Sentences 3 (p.49; II-C)
- Practice: Noun の Noun 1 (p.50; III-A)
- Practice: Noun の Noun 2 (p.50; III-B)
- Practice: Noun の Noun 3 (p.51; III-C)
- Practice: Telephone Numbers (p.51; IV)
- Practice Vocabulary: Time (Hours) (p.52)
- Practice: Time 1 (p.52; V-A)
- Practice: Time 2 (p.53; V-C)
- Useful Expressions: Time (Minutes 1-10) (p.55)
- Useful Expressions: Time (Minutes 11-30) (p.55)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.16-22)
- Workbook: XはYです (p.16; I & II)
- Workbook: Question Sentences (p.17; I & II)
- Workbook: Noun の Noun (p.18; I & II)
- Workbook: Time and Telephone Numbers (p.19; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.20)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension 1 (p.21; A)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension 2 (p.22; B, C, & D)
Reading and Writing: Hiragana (Genki I: p.296-299)
- Hiragana Practice: Identifying Hiragana (p.297; I-A)
- Hiragana Practice: Word Match (p.297; I-B)
- Hiragana Practice: Diacritical Marks (p.297; I-C)
- Hiragana Practice: Combos and Double Consonants (p.298; I-D)
- Hiragana Practice: Long Vowels (p.298; I-E)
- Hiragana Practice: Unscramble the Words (p.298; I-F)
- Reading Practice: Hiragana (p.299; II)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.121-127)
- Workbook: Hiragana (あ-こ) (p.121; I, II, & III)
- Workbook: Hiragana (さ-と) (p.122; I, II, & III)
- Workbook: Hiragana (な-ほ) (p.123; I, II, & III)
- Workbook: Hiragana (ま-よ) (p.124; I, II, & III)
- Workbook: Hiragana (ら-ん) (p.125; I, II, & III)
- Workbook: Hiragana (Dots/Circles/Small や, ゆ, よ) (p.126; I, II, III, & IV)
- Workbook: Hiragana (Double Consonants/Long Vowels) (p.127; I, II, III, & IV)
Lesson 2: Shopping (Genki I: p.56-81)
Ask and answer how much things cost
Do shopping
Order food in a restaurant
- Vocabulary: Words the Point (p.58)
- Vocabulary: Food (p.58)
- Vocabulary: Things (p.58-59)
- Vocabulary: Places and Countries (p.59)
- Vocabulary: Majors and Family (p.59)
- Vocabulary: Money Matters and Expressions (p.59)
- Culture Note: Japanese Currency (p.66)
- Practice Vocabulary: Numbers (Hundreds) (p.67)
- Practice Vocabulary: Numbers (Thousands) (p.67)
- Practice Vocabulary: Numbers (Ten Thousands) (p.67)
- Practice: Numbers (p.67; I-A)
- Practice: Prices (p.67-68; I-B)
- Practice: これ/それ (p.69; II-A)
- Practice: あれ (p.70; II-B)
- Practice: この/その/あの (p.70-71; III-A)
- Practice: どこ (p.72; IV)
- Practice: ここ/そこ/あそこ (p.72; IV)
- Practice: だれのNoun (p.73; V)
- Practice: Noun も (p.73-74; VI)
- Practice: Noun じゃないです (p.74-75; VII-A)
- Bonus Vocabulary: Food (p.76)
- Useful Expressions: Classroom Objects (p.81)
- Useful Expressions: In the Classroom (p.81)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.25-31)
- Workbook: Numbers (p.25; I, II, & III)
- Workbook: これ/それ/あれ (p.26; I & II)
- Workbook: この/その/あの (p.27)
- Workbook: ここ/そこ/あそこ・だれの (p.28; I & II)
- Workbook: Noun も・Noun じゃないです (p.29; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.30)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.31; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: Katakana (Genki I: p.300-303)
- Katakana Practice: Identifying Katakana (p.301; I-A)
- Katakana Practice: Word Match (p.301; I-B)
- Katakana Practice: Countries and Capitals (p.302; I-C)
- Katakana Practice: Unscramble the Words (p.302; I-D)
- Reading Practice: Katakana (p.302-303; II)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.128-132)
- Workbook: Katakana (ア-コ) (p.128; I & II)
- Workbook: Katakana (サ-ト) (p.129; I & II)
- Workbook: Katakana (ナ-ホ) (p.130; I & II)
- Workbook: Katakana (マ-ヨ) (p.131; I & II)
- Workbook: Katakana (ラ-ン) (p.132; I & II)
Lesson 3: Making a Date (Genki I: p.82-101)
Talk about daily activities
Extend, accept, and refuse invitations
- Vocabulary: Entertainment and Sports (p.84)
- Vocabulary: Foods and Drinks (p.84)
- Vocabulary: Places and Time (p.84-85)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs (p.85)
- Vocabulary: Ru-verbs and Irregular Verbs (p.85)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs (p.85)
- Vocabulary: Adjectives and Expressions (p.85)
- Review: Identifying Verbs (p.86-88)
- Practice: Verb Conjugation (p.94; I)
- Practice: を Particle (p.95; II-A; a)
- Practice: で Particle (p.95; II-A; b)
- Practice: を and で Particles (p.95; II-B)
- Practice: に Particle (p.96; III-A)
- Practice: Time References 1 (p.97; IV-A)
- Practice: Time References 2 (p.98; IV-D)
- Practice: Suggestion Using ~ませんか (p.98; V-A)
- Practice: Frequency Adverbs (p.99; VI)
- Culture Note: Japanese Houses (p.101)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.32-40)
- Workbook: Verb Conjugation (p.32)
- Workbook: Noun を Verb (p.33)
- Workbook: Verbs with Places (p.34; I & II)
- Workbook: Time References (p.35; I, II, & III)
- Workbook: Suggestion Using ~ませんか (p.36; I & II)
- Workbook: Frequency Adverbs (p.37)
- Workbook: Questions (p.38)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension 1 (p.39; A & B)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension 2 (p.40; C & D)
Reading and Writing: Daily Life (Genki I: p.304-307)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.304-305)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.304-305)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.304-305)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 一, 二, and 三 (p.304)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 四, 五, and 六 (p.304)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 七, 八, and 九 (p.304-305)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 十, 百, and 千 (p.305)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 万, 円, and 時 (p.305)
- Kanji Practice: Prices (p.306; I-A & B)
- Reading Practice: まいにちのせいかつ (p.307; II)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.133-134)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.133)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.134; I, II, & III)
Lesson 4: The First Date (Genki I: p.102-127)
Ask and describe where things/people are
Talk about things that happened in the past
Talk about habitual actions in the past
- Vocabulary: People and Things (p.104)
- Vocabulary: Activities and Places (p.104)
- Vocabulary: Time (p.105)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs and Ru-verbs (p.105)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Expressions (p.105)
- Vocabulary: Location Words (p.106)
- Culture Note: Japanese National Holidays (p.114)
- Practice: Xがあります/います (p.115; I-A)
- Practice: Xがあります (p.116; I-C)
- Practice: Describing Where Things Are 1 (p.117; II-A)
- Practice: Describing Where Things Are 2 (p.117; II-B)
- Practice: Past Tense of です (p.118; III-A)
- Practice: Verb Conjugation (Past Tense) (p.120; IV-A)
- Practice: Past Tense of Verbs 1 (p.120; IV-B)
- Practice: Past Tense of Verbs 2 (p.121; IV-C)
- Practice: Past Tense of Verbs 3 (p.121; IV-D)
- Practice: も 1 (p.122; V-A)
- Practice: も 2 (p.122-123; V-B)
- Practice: ~時間 (p.123; VI-A)
- Useful Expressions: Days (1-15) (p.127)
- Useful Expressions: Days (16-31) (p.127)
- Useful Expressions: Months (p.127)
- Useful Expressions: Time Words (Day and Week) (p.127)
- Useful Expressions: Time Words (Month and Year) (p.127)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.41-49)
- Workbook: Xがあります/います (p.41; I & II)
- Workbook: Describing Where Things Are (p.42; I & II)
- Workbook: Past Tense (Nouns) (p.43; I & II)
- Workbook: Verb Conjugation (Past Tense) (p.44)
- Workbook: Past Tense (Verbs) (p.45; I & II)
- Workbook: も (p.46)
- Workbook: ~時間・Particles (p.47; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.48)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.49; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: Mary's Weekend (Genki I: p.308-311)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.308-309)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.308-309)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.308-309)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 日, 本, and 人 (p.308)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 月 and 火 (p.308)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 水, 木, and 金 (p.308)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 土, 曜, and 上 (p.309)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 下, 中, and 半 (p.309)
- Kanji Practice: Days of the Week (p.310; I-A)
- Kanji Practice: Location Words (p.310; I-B)
- Reading Practice: おかあさんへのメモ (p.310; II)
- Reading Practice: メアリーさんのしゅうまつ (p.311; III)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.135-136)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.135)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.136; I, II, & III)
Lesson 5: A Trip to Okinawa (Genki I: p.128-145)
Talk about travel
Describe people and things
Make offers and invitations
Talk about likes and dislikes
- Vocabulary: Nouns (p.130)
- Vocabulary: い-adjectives (p.130-131)
- Vocabulary: な-adjectives (p.131)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs and Ru-verbs (p.131)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.131)
- Practice: Adjective Conjugation (Present Affirmative) (p.138; I-A)
- Practice: Adjective Conjugation (Present Negative) (p.139; I-B)
- Practice: Adjectives (Present Tense) 1 (p.139; I-C)
- Practice: Adjectives (Present Tense) 2 (p.139; I-D)
- Practice: Adjective Conjugation (Past Affirmative) (p.140; II-A)
- Practice: Adjective Conjugation (Past Negative) (p.140; II-B)
- Practice: Adjectives (Past Tense) 1 (p.140; II-C)
- Practice: Adjectives (Past Tense) 2 (p.141; II-D)
- Practice: Adjectives (Noun Modification) 1 (p.141; III-A)
- Practice: Adjectives (Noun Modification) 2 (p.142; III-B)
- Practice: 好き(な)/きらい(な) 1 (p.142; IV-A)
- Practice: 好き(な)/きらい(な) 2 (p.143; IV-B)
- Practice: ~ましょう (p.143; V-A)
- Culture Note: Japanese Festivals (p.145)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.50-58)
- Workbook: Adjective Conjugation (Present Tense) (p.50)
- Workbook: Adjectives (Present Tense) (p.51; I & II)
- Workbook: Adjective Conjugation (Present and Past Tenses) (p.52)
- Workbook: Adjectives (Past Tense) (p.53; I & II)
- Workbook: Adjective + Noun (p.54; I & II)
- Workbook: 好き(な)/きらい(な) (p.55)
- Workbook: ~ましょう/~ましょうか (p.56; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.57; I & II)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.58; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: Trip (Genki I: p.312-317)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.312-313)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.312-313)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.312-313)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 山, 川, and 元 (p.312)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 気, 天, and 私 (p.312)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 今, 田, and 女 (p.312-313)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 男, 見, and 行 (p.313)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 食 and 飲 (p.313)
- Kanji Practice: Match the Sentences (p.314; I-B)
- Kanji Practice: Match the Readings (p.314; I-C)
- Katakana Practice: Match the Words (p.315; II-A)
- Reading Practice: Moe's Trip to Vienna (p.315; II-B)
- Reading Practice: Robert's Postcard (p.316; II-C)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.137-138)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.137)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.138; I & II)
Lesson 6: A Day in Robert's Life (Genki I: p.146-165)
Make requests
Ask for and give permission
Talk about rules and regulations
Offer help
Give reasons for doing/not doing something
- Vocabulary: Nouns 1 (p.148)
- Vocabulary: Nouns 2 and な-adjectives (p.148)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs (p.148-149)
- Vocabulary: Ru-verbs and Irregular Verbs (p.149)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.149)
- Review: Te-form Conjugation Rules (p.150-151)
- Culture Note: Japan's Educational System (1) (p.154-155)
- Practice: Te-form Conjugation (p.156; I-A)
- Practice: ~てください 1 (p.156-157; II-A)
- Practice: ~てください 2 (p.157; II-B)
- Practice: Describing Two Activities 1 (p.158; III-A)
- Practice: Describing Two Activities 2 (p.158; III-B)
- Practice: ~てもいいです 1 (p.159; IV-A)
- Practice: ~てもいいです 2 (p.160; IV-C)
- Practice: ~てはいけません 1 (p.160; V-A)
- Practice: ~てはいけません 2 (p.161; V-B)
- Practice: ~から (p.161; VI-A)
- Practice: ~ましょうか 1 (p.162; VII-A)
- Practice: ~ましょうか 2 (p.163; VII-B)
- Useful Expressions: Directions (p.165)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.59-68)
- Workbook: Te-form Conjugation 1 (p.59-60)
- Workbook: Te-form Conjugation 2 (p.61)
- Workbook: ~てください (p.62; I & II)
- Workbook: Describing Two Activities (p.63; I & II)
- Workbook: ~てもいいです (p.64)
- Workbook: ~てはいけません (p.65; I & II)
- Workbook: ~から・~ましょうか (p.66; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.67)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.68; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: My Favorite Restaurant (Genki I: p.318-323)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.318-319)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.318-319)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.318-319)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 東, 西, and 南 (p.318)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 北, 口, and 出 (p.318)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 右, 左, and 分 (p.318-319)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 先, 生, and 大 (p.319)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 学, 外, and 国 (p.319)
- Kanji Practice: Combine the Kanji (p.320; I-A)
- Kanji Practice: Find the Location (p.320; I-B)
- Reading Practice: Bulletin Board (p.320-321; II)
- Reading Practice: 私のすきなレストラン (p.322-323; III-A, B, & C)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.139-140)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.139)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.140; I & II)
Lesson 7: Family Picture (Genki I: p.166-185)
Talk about families and friends
Describe how people are dressed and how they look
- Vocabulary: Nouns 1 (p.168)
- Vocabulary: Nouns 2 (p.168)
- Vocabulary: い-adjectives and な-adjectives (p.168-169)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs, Ru-verbs, and Irregular Verbs (p.169)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.169)
- Bonus Vocabulary: Counting People (p.174)
- Practice: ~ている (Actions in Progress) (p.176; I-A)
- Practice: ~ている (Result of a Change) (p.177; II-A)
- Practice: Describing People 1 (p.178; III-A)
- Practice: Describing People 2 (p.178; III-B)
- Practice: Adjective/Noun Te-forms 1 (p.179; IV-A)
- Practice: Adjective/Noun Te-forms 2 (p.180; IV-C)
- Practice: Verb Stem + に行く/来る/帰る 1 (p.181; V-A)
- Practice: Verb Stem + に行く/来る/帰る 2 (p.182; V-C)
- Practice: Counting People (p.182; VI-A)
- Culture Note: Kinship Terms 1 (p.184)
- Culture Note: Kinship Terms 2 (p.184)
- Useful Expressions: Parts of the Body (p.185)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.69-77)
- Workbook: Te-form Conjugation (p.69)
- Workbook: ~ている (Actions in Progress) (p.70; I, II, & III)
- Workbook: ~ている (Result of a Change) (p.71; I & II)
- Workbook: Describing People (p.72; I & II)
- Workbook: Adjective/Noun Te-forms (p.73; I & II)
- Workbook: Verb Stem + に行く/来る/帰る (p.74; I & II)
- Workbook: Counting People (p.75; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.76)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.77; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: Mary's Letter (Genki I: p.324-328)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.324-325)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.324-325)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.324-325)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 京, 子, and 小 (p.324)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 会, 社, and 父 (p.324)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 母, 高, and 校 (p.324-325)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 毎, 語, and 文 (p.325)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 帰 and 入 (p.325)
- Kanji Practice: Fill in the Blanks (p.326; I-A)
- Kanji Practice: Word Search (p.326; I-C)
- Reading Practice: メアリーさんのてがみ (p.327-328; II)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.141-142)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.141)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.142; I & II)
Lesson 8: Barbecue (Genki I: p.186-209)
Talk casually
Express thoughts and opinions
Report someone's speech
Request not to do
Talk about things we like/dislike to do
- Vocabulary: Nouns 1 (p.188)
- Vocabulary: Nouns 2 (p.188)
- Vocabulary: な-adjectives and U-verbs (p.188-189)
- Vocabulary: Ru-verbs and Irregular Verbs (p.189)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.189)
- Review: Short Form Conjugation Rules (p.190-191)
- Practice: Short Form Conjugation (Verbs) (p.198; I-A)
- Practice: Short Form Conjugation (Adjectives/Nouns) (p.198; I-B)
- Practice: Informal Speech (Verbs) (p.198-199; II-A)
- Practice: Informal Speech (Adjectives/Nouns) (p.199; II-B)
- Practice: Quotations (~と思います) 1 (p.199; III-A)
- Practice: Quotations (~と思います) 2 (p.200; III-B)
- Practice: Quotations (~と言っていました) (p.201; IV-A)
- Practice: ~ないでください (p.202; V-A)
- Practice: Verbのが上手です (p.203; VI-A)
- Practice: が (p.204; VII-A)
- Practice: 何も (p.204; VIII-A)
- Culture Note: Common Dishes in Japan (p.208)
- Culture Note: Foods in Japan (p.208)
- Useful Expressions: At the Supermarket (p.209)
- Useful Expressions: Supermarket Foods (p.209)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.78-86)
- Workbook: Short Form Conjugation (Present Tense) (p.78)
- Workbook: Short Forms (Informal Speech) (p.79; I & II)
- Workbook: Quotations (~と思います) (p.80; I & II)
- Workbook: Quotations (~と言っていました) (p.81)
- Workbook: ~ないでください (p.82; I & II)
- Workbook: Verbのが好きです/上手です (p.83; I & II)
- Workbook: が・何か and 何も (p.84; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.85; I & II)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.86; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: Japanese Office Workers (Genki I: p.329-333)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.329-330)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.329-330)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.329-330)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 員, 新, and 聞 (p.329)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 作, 仕, and 事 (p.329)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 電 and 車 (p.329)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 休, 言, and 読 (p.330)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 思, 次, and 何 (p.330)
- Kanji Practice: Match the Verbs (p.331; I-B)
- Reading Practice: 日本の会社員 (p.332-333; II-C)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.143-144)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.143)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.144; I & II)
Lesson 9: Kabuki (Genki I: p.210-229)
Talk casually about the things that happened in the past
Express thoughts and opinions about past events
Report someone's speech
Order food at a restaurant or shop
Give reasons
- Vocabulary: Nouns 1 (p.212)
- Vocabulary: Nouns 2 (p.212)
- Vocabulary: い-adjectives and な-adjectives (p.212)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs, Ru-verbs, and Irregular Verbs (p.213)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.213)
- Vocabulary: Numbers (used to count small items) (p.213)
- Review: Short Form Conjugation Rules (Past Tense) (p.214)
- Practice: Short Form Conjugation (Past Tense Verbs) (p.219; I-A)
- Practice: Short Form Conjugation (Past Tense Adjectives/Nouns) (p.219-220; I-B)
- Practice: Informal Speech (Past Tense Verbs) (p.220; II-A)
- Practice: Informal Speech (Past Tense Adjectives/Nouns) (p.220-221; II-B)
- Practice: Quotations (~と思います) (p.221; III-A)
- Practice: Quotations (~と言っていました) (p.222; IV-A)
- Practice: Qualifying Nouns with Verbs (p.223; V-A)
- Practice: もう~ました/まだ~ていません (p.224; VI-A)
- Practice: ~から (p.225; VII-A)
- Culture Note: Japanese Traditional Culture (p.228)
- Useful Expressions: Color Names (p.229)
- Useful Expressions: Colors (p.229)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.87-95)
- Workbook: Past Tense Short Forms (p.87)
- Workbook: Past Tense Short Forms (Informal Speech) (p.88; I & II)
- Workbook: Quotations (~と思います) (p.89; I & II)
- Workbook: Quotations (~と言っていました) (p.90)
- Workbook: Qualifying Nouns with Verbs (p.91)
- Workbook: もう~ました/まだ~ていません (p.92)
- Workbook: ~から (p.93; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.94)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.95; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: Sora's Diary (Genki I: p.334-339)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.334-335)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.334-335)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.334-335)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 午, 後, and 前 (p.334)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 名, 白, and 雨 (p.334)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 書, 友, and 間 (p.334-335)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 家, 話, and 少 (p.335)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 古, 知, and 来 (p.335)
- Kanji Practice: Fill in the Blanks (p.336; I-A & B)
- Reading Practice: ソラさんの日記 (p.336-338; II-A, B, & C)
- Useful Expressions: for Mail/Letters (p.339)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.145-146)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.145)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.146; I & II)
Lesson 10: Winter Vacation Plans (Genki I: p.230-253)
Compare things and people
Talk about future plans
Describe changes in states
Talk about means of transportation and the time required
Ask about tours and make reservations
- Vocabulary: Nouns 1 (p.232)
- Vocabulary: Nouns 2 (p.232)
- Vocabulary: い-adjectives and な-adjectives (p.233)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs, Ru-verbs, and Irregular Verbs (p.233)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.233)
- Practice: Comparison between Two Items (p.239; I-A)
- Practice: Comparison among Three or More Items (p.240; II-A)
- Practice: Adjective/Noun + の 1 (p.242; III-A)
- Practice: Adjective/Noun + の 2 (p.242; III-B)
- Practice: ~つもりだ (p.243; IV-A)
- Practice: Adjective + なる 1 (p.244-245; V-A)
- Practice: Adjective + なる 2 (p.245; V-B)
- Practice: どこかに/どこにも (p.246; VI-A)
- Practice: ~で行きます (p.247; VII-A)
- Practice: ~かかります (p.247; VII-B)
- Culture Note: Public Transportation in Japan (p.251)
- Useful Expressions: At the Station 1 (p.252)
- Useful Expressions: At the Station 2 (p.252)
- Useful Expressions: At the Station 3 (p.253)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.96-104)
- Workbook: Comparison between Two Items (p.96; I & II)
- Workbook: Comparison among Three or More Items (p.97; I & II)
- Workbook: Adjective/Noun + の (p.98; I & II)
- Workbook: ~つもりだ (p.99; I & II)
- Workbook: Adjective + なる (p.100; I & II)
- Workbook: どこかに/どこにも・~で行きます (p.101; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.102)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.103-104; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: The Folktale Kasajizo (Genki I: p.340-345)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.340-341)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.340-341)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.340-341)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 住, 正, and 年 (p.340)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 売, 買, and 町 (p.340)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 長, 道, and 雪 (p.340-341)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 立, 自, and 夜 (p.341)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 朝 and 持 (p.341)
- Kanji Practice: Antonyms (p.342; I-B)
- Kanji Practice: Fill in the Blanks (p.342; I-C)
- Reading Practice: かさじぞう (p.343-345; II-B, C, & D)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.147-148)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.147)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.148; I & II)
Lesson 11: After the Vacation (Genki I: p.254-271)
Express what we want to do
Talk about our experiences
Introduce friends to each other
Ask and talk about hometowns
- Vocabulary: Nouns 1 (p.256)
- Vocabulary: Nouns 2 (p.256)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs, Ru-verbs, and Irregular Verbs (p.256-257)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.257)
- Vocabulary: Occupations (p.257)
- Practice: ~たい (p.264; I-A)
- Practice: ~たい (Past Tense) (p.264; I-C)
- Practice: ~たり~たりする (p.266; II-A)
- Practice: ~ことがある (p.267; III-A)
- Practice: Noun A や Noun B (p.268; IV)
- Culture Note: New Year's (p.270)
- Useful Expressions: In Japanese Class (p.271)
- Useful Expressions: Japanese Class Vocabulary 1 (p.271)
- Useful Expressions: Japanese Class Vocabulary 2 (p.271)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.105-110)
- Workbook: ~たい (p.105; I & II)
- Workbook: ~たり~たりする (p.106; I & II)
- Workbook: ~ことがある (p.107; I & II)
- Workbook: Noun A や Noun B (p.108)
- Workbook: Questions (p.109; I & II)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.110; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: Looking for Friends/Members (Genki I: p.346-351)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.346-347)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.346-347)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.346-347)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 手, 紙, and 好 (p.346)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 近, 明, 病, and 院 (p.346)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 映, 画, and 歌 (p.346-347)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 市, 所, and 勉 (p.347)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 強, 有, and 旅 (p.347)
- Kanji Practice: Compounds (p.348; I-B)
- Reading Practice: 友だち・メンバー募集 (p.348-351; II-B, C, D, & E)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.149-150)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.149)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.150; I & II)
Lesson 12: Feeling Ill (Genki I: p.272-294)
Give and ask for an explanation
Complain about something being too much
Express what we have to do
Describe symptoms of illness
Give advice
- Vocabulary: Nouns 1 (p.274)
- Vocabulary: Nouns 2 (p.274)
- Vocabulary: い-adjectives and な-adjectives (p.274-275)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs, Ru-verbs, and Irregular Verbs (p.275)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.275)
- Practice: ~んです 1 (p.282; I-A)
- Practice: ~んです 2 (p.283; I-B)
- Practice: ~すぎる (p.284-285; II-A)
- Practice: ~ほうがいいです (p.285; III-A)
- Practice: ~ので (p.287; IV-A)
- Practice: ~なければいけません (p.288; V-A)
- Practice: ~なきゃいけない (p.288; V-C)
- Practice: ~でしょうか (p.289; VI-A)
- Culture Note: The Japanese Climate (p.292)
- Useful Expressions: Health and Illness (p.293-294)
- Useful Expressions: Doctor's Office Vocabulary (p.294)
Workbook (Genki I Workbook: p.111-118)
- Workbook: ~んです (p.111; I & II)
- Workbook: ~すぎる (p.112; I & II)
- Workbook: ~ほうがいいです (p.113; I & II)
- Workbook: ~ので (p.114; I & II)
- Workbook: ~なければいけません/なきゃいけません (p.115; I & II)
- Workbook: ~でしょうか (p.116)
- Workbook: Questions (p.117)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.118; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: Tanabata Festival (Genki I: p.352-356)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.352-353)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.352-353)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.352-353)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 昔, 々, and 神 (p.352)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 早, 起, and 牛 (p.352)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 使, 働, and 連 (p.352-353)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 別 and 度 (p.353)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 赤, 青, and 色 (p.353)
- Kanji Practice: Match the Readings (p.354; I-A)
- Reading Practice: 七夕 (p.355-356; II-B & C)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki I Workbook: p.151-152)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.151)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.152; I & II)
Lesson 13: Looking for a Part-time Job (Genki II: p.22-45)
Say what we can or cannot do
Give several reasons
Express first impressions
Talk about part-time job experience
- Vocabulary: Nouns 1 (p.24)
- Vocabulary: Nouns 2 (p.24)
- Vocabulary: い-adjectives and な-adjectives (p.24-25)
- Vocabulary: U-verbs and Irregular Verbs (p.59)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.25)
- Vocabulary: Numbers Used to Count Days (p.25)
- Practice: Potential Verbs 1 (p.33; I-A)
- Practice: Potential Verbs 2 (p.33; I-B)
- Practice: Potential Verbs 3 (p.35; I-F)
- Practice: ~し (p.35-36; II-A)
- Practice: ~そうです 1 (p.37; III-A)
- Practice: ~そうです 2 (p.37; III-B)
- Practice: ~てみる (p.39; IV-A)
- Practice: なら (p.40; V-A)
- Practice: 一週間に三回 (p.41; VI-A)
- Culture Note: Names of Years (p.44)
- Culture Note: East Asian Zodiacs (p.44)
- Useful Expressions: Bank Words (p.45)
- Useful Expressions: At the Bank (p.45)
Workbook (Genki II Workbook: p.11-20)
- Workbook: Potential Verbs Conjugation (p.11; I)
- Workbook: Potential Verbs 1 (p.12; II)
- Workbook: Potential Verbs 2 (p.13; I & II)
- Workbook: ~し (p.14; I & II)
- Workbook: ~そうです (p.15; I & II)
- Workbook: ~てみる (p.16; I & II)
- Workbook: なら (p.17; I & II)
- Workbook: 一週間に三回 (p.18; I & II)
- Workbook: Questions (p.19; I & II)
- Workbook: Listening Comprehension (p.20; A, B, & C)
Reading and Writing: Interesting Experiences in Japan (Genki II: p.274-280)
- Kanji Practice: Readings (p.274-275)
- Kanji Practice: Meanings (p.274-275)
- Kanji Practice: Stroke Order (p.274-275)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 物, 鳥, and 料 (p.274)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 理, 特, and 安 (p.274)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 販, 肉, and 悪 (p.274-275)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 体, 同, 着, and 空 (p.275)
- Kanji Vocabulary: 港, 昼, and 海 (p.275)
- Kanji Practice: Write the Readings (p.276; I-A & B)
- Reading Practice: Identify the Food (p.277; II-A)
- Reading Practice: 日本のおもしろい経験 (p.277-278; II-B & C)
- Reading Practice: 留学生座談会 (p.279-280; III-B & C)
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki II Workbook: p.111-112)
- Workbook: Kanji Writing Practice (p.111)
- Workbook: Using Kanji (p.112)
Lesson 14: Valentine's Day (Genki II: p.46-69)
Express what we want
Talk about uncertain things
Give and receive presents
Talk about Valentine's Day and special days
- Vocabulary: Nouns 1 (p.48)
- Vocabulary: Nouns 2 (p.48)
- Vocabulary: Adjectives and Verbs (p.48-49)
- Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions (p.49)
- Vocabulary: Counters (p.49)
- Practice: ほしい (Present) (p.57; I-A)
- Practice: ほしい (Past) (p.57; I-B)
- Practice: ~かもしれません (p.59; II-A)
- Practice: あげる (p.61; III-A)
- Practice: くれる/もらう (p.62; III-C)
- Practice: あげる/くれる/もらう (p.62; III-D)
- Practice: ~たらどうですか (p.64; IV-A)
- More coming soon...
Workbook (Genki II Workbook: p.21-27)
- Coming soon...
Reading and Writing: Personal Advice Column (Genki II: p.281-285)
- Coming soon...
Workbook: Reading and Writing (Genki II Workbook: p.113-114)
- Coming soon...
Appendix (Genki II: p.348-389)
- Vocabulary Index (Dictionary) (p.352-383)
- Map of Japan (p.384-385)
- Numbers Chart (p.386-387)
- Conjugation Chart (p.388-389)
Study Tools
This section contains helpful tools and resources to aid with your studies, some of which can be used for creating your own custom exercises.